Who We Are
Flyer TV is a student-run station that brings together the talents of many University of Dayton students from all majors. It is Flyer TV's goal to help those not only in the major of communications but those merely interested in broadening their horizons.
Flyer TV students have the ability to be involved in live athletic events for ESPN+ broadcasts and video production work for entities on and off campus.
Flyer TV students produce original programming that runs on our campus-wide cable system (Channel 205). Those programs include newscasts, sports talk, interview shows, dating shows, short films and series, documentaries and more.

Our Team

Roy Flynn
Mr. Flynn came to the University of Dayton in 2001 as a visiting professor and lecturer in electronic media. His expertise in the area of television production has been a valuable asset to the student-run Flyer TV station as well as those in his video production, performance and script writing classes. Mr. Flynn has numerous production credits and is a six-time Emmy recipient.
Mark Hillman
More than 40 years of experience in audio/video production and telecommunications, current studio engineer for Flyer TV and the engineer in charge of WUDR-FM. Prior to coming to the university in 2008, worked for 12 years as a broadcast engineer for WPTD/WPTO, Greater Dayton Public Television (PBS). Additional work experience and training includes telecommunications subcontracting, sports production and audio engineering.